Quotes and quotations by Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934

Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934 quotes and quotations. All you need to know about Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934. Read news stories and see / listen to videos. Quotations and quotes by Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934. Free quotation, quote and sayings about love, life, friendship by Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934. A collection of inspiring, moving, and funny quotes. Quotations and Sayings said by famous people across the globe. Quotes by theme, topic or word.

Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934

The scientists of today think deepl…

17 May , 2024  

The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane. Great short quote and quotation by: Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions. July, 1934 , US (Serbian-born) electrical inventor (1857 – 1943)

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