Real Live Preacher, Weblog, January 29, 2004
This is the challenge of writing. You have to be very emotionally engaged in what you?re doing, or it comes out flat. You can?t fake your way through this. Great short quote and quotation by: Real Live Preacher, Weblog, January 29, 2004 , Anonymous author of
challenge, comes, doing, emotionally, engaged, through, writing, youre
To a resolute mind, wishing to do is the first step toward doing. But if we do not wish to do a thing it becomes impossible. Great short quote and quotation by: South ,
becomes, doing, first, impossible, resolute, thing, toward, wishing
To be good, we must do good; and by doing good we take a sure means of being good, as the use and exercise of the muscles increase their power. Great short quote and quotation by: Tryon Edwards , (1809 – 1894)
being, doing, exercise, increase, means, muscles, power, their
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting. Great short quote and quotation by: e e cummings , US poet (1894 – 1962)
battle, being, doing, everybody, fight, fighting, hardest, human, means, night, nobody, world, yourself
To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. Great short quote and quotation by: e. e. cummings ,
battle, being, doing, everybody, fight, fighting, hardest, human, means, night, nobody--yourself, world
To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. Great short quote and quotation by: E. E. Cummings ,
battle, being, doing, everybody, fight, fighting, hardest, human, means, night, nobody, world, yourself
To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. Great short quote and quotation by: e e cummings , US poet (1894 – 1962)
battle, being, doing, everybody, fight, fighting, hardest, human, means, night, nobody--yourself, world
To be yourself in a world that is doing its best, day and night to make you like everybody else–is to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight. Great short quote and quotation by: e.e. cummings ,
battle, being, doing, everybody, fight, hardest, human, night, world, yourself
To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can. Great short quote and quotation by: Sydney Smith , English essayist (1771 – 1845)
anything, danger, doing, scramble, shivering, stand, thinking, through, world, worth
To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it. Great short quote and quotation by: G. K. Chesterton , English author & mystery novelist (1874 – 1936)
True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read; and in so living as to make the world happier for our living in it. Great short quote and quotation by: Pliny The Elder , Roman scholar & scientist (23 AD – 79 AD)
consists, deserves, doing, glory, happier, living, world, writing, written
True love allows each person to follow his or her own path, aware that doing so can never drive them apart. Great short quote and quotation by: Paulo Coelho, Brida ,