Short quotations about, loose

Short quotations about, loose quotes. All you need to know about loose. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about loose. Short, famous and funny quotes about loose. Our collection of quotes is easy to navigate and new quotes are added every month. Quotations and quotes on loose. Find great short quotations about life, loose, friendship, family, health, people, online. Quotes from famous authors, poets, philosophers and more loose.


Tip the world over on its side and …

13 Oct , 2011  

Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. Great short quote and quotation by: Frank Lloyd Wright , US architect (1869 – 1959)

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Turn the world over on its side and…

5 Aug , 2011  

Turn the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. Great short quote and quotation by: Frank Lloyd Wright , US architect (1869 – 1959)

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Henry Miller, in a letter to Lawrence Durrell

We must not just be in the world an…

15 Feb , 2011  

We must not just be in the world and above the world, but also of the world. To love it for what it is… is the only task. Avoid it and you are lost. Loose yourself in it, and you are free. Great short quote and quotation by: Henry Miller, in a letter to Lawrence […]

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Harlen Ellison, interview with Charlie Rose

What is not nailed down is mine. An…

15 Feb , 2011  

What is not nailed down is mine. Anything that I can pry loose was not nailed down. Great short quote and quotation by: Harlen Ellison, interview with Charlie Rose ,

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Whenever I hear people talking abou…

15 Feb , 2011  

Whenever I hear people talking about “liberal ideas,” I am always astounded that men should love to fool themselves with empty sounds. An idea should never be liberal; it must be vigorous, positive, and without loose ends so that it may fulfill its divine mission and be productive. The proper place for liberality is in […]

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