Short quotations about, while

Short quotations about, while quotes. All you need to know about while. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about while. Short, famous and funny quotes about while. Our collection of quotes is easy to navigate and new quotes are added every month. Quotations and quotes on while. Find great short quotations about life, while, friendship, family, health, people, online. Quotes from famous authors, poets, philosophers and more while.


The slanderer and the assassin diff…

17 May , 2024  

The slanderer and the assassin differ only in the weapon they use; with the one it is the dagger, with the other the tongue. The former is worse that the latter, for the last only kills the body, while the other murders the reputation. Great short quote and quotation by: Tyron Edwards ,

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The tragedy of life is what dies in…

2 Sep , 2020  

The tragedy of life is what dies in the hearts and souls of people while they live. Great short quote and quotation by: Albert Einstein , US (German-born) physicist (1879 – 1955)

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The tragedy of life is not that we …

2 Sep , 2020  

The tragedy of life is not that we die, but is rather, what dies inside a man while he lives. Great short quote and quotation by: Albert Schweitzer , French philosopher & physician (1875 – 1965)

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Baron Rothschild, ca. 1800

There are three principal ways to l…

3 Jul , 2015  

There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women, and engineers. While the first two are more pleasant, the third is by far the more certain. Great short quote and quotation by: Baron Rothschild, ca. 1800 ,

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Joe Keenan

There are, however, people in this …

3 Jul , 2015  

There are, however, people in this world who seldom pick up a newspaper, people who, when watching television, sneer in displeasure and change channels at the first glimpse of an anchorperson. While such willfully uninformed citizens are rare, emerging from seclusion only to serve on juries in trials of great national significance, they do exist. […]

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There I lay staring upward, while t…

3 Jul , 2015  

There I lay staring upward, while the stars wheeled over… Faint to my ears came the gathered rumour of all lands: the springing and the dying, the song and the weeping, and the slow everlasting groan of overburdened stone. Great short quote and quotation by: J. R. R. Tolkien , British scholar & fantasy novelist […]

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There is a diabolical trio existing…

3 Jul , 2015  

There is a diabolical trio existing in the natural man, implacable, inextinguishable, co-operative and consentaneous, pride, envy, and hate; pride that makes us fancy we deserve all the goods that others possess; envy that some should be admired while we are overlooked; and hate, because all that is bestowed on others, diminishes the sum we […]

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John Davy

There is not a flower or bird in si…

3 Jul , 2015  

There is not a flower or bird in sight, only a small screen on which lines are moving, while the child sits almost motionless, pushing at the keyboard with one finger. As a learning environment, it may be mentally rich, but it is perceptually extremely impoverished. No smells or tastes, no wind or bird song […]

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Kongming (Zhuge Liang)

Those who are skilled in combat do …

17 Apr , 2013  

Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win. Great short quote and quotation by: Kongming (Zhuge Liang) ,

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Thus have the gods spun the thread …

19 Dec , 2011  

Thus have the gods spun the thread for wretched mortals: that they live in grief while they themselves are without cares; for two jars stand on the floor of Zeus of the gifts which he gives, one of evils and another of blessings. Great short quote and quotation by: Homer, The Iliad , Greek epic […]

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Henri Poincare

Thus, be it understood, to demonstr…

19 Dec , 2011  

Thus, be it understood, to demonstrate a theorem, it is neither necessary nor even advantageous to know what it means….[A] machine might be imagined where the assumptions were put in at one end, while the theorems came out at the other, like the legendary Chicago machine where the pigs go in alive and come out […]

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Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Time is but a stream I go a-fishing…

13 Oct , 2011  

Time is but a stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it, but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. Great short quote and quotation by: Henry David Thoreau, Walden , US Transcendentalist author (1817 – 1862)

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